Caminhando Aҫores - Adventure Pico
Caminhando Aҫores - Adventure Pico

Our Team

João „Johnny“ knows the island of Pico like his own vest pocket. In the course of each year he climbs Pico mountain up to 60 - 70 times - depending on the weather.

Pico pequeno is a volcanic cone on the top of the actual Pico mountain - the peak reaches a height of 2.351 meters.


The most beautiful hiking trails, the best mountain biking routes, the vigias (whale lookouts) with the most spectacular view, the best swimming places – João has the right recommendation. He drives his guests to all the sight-seeing points, rents bicycles and gives the best piece of advice.


João on the Pico mountain
Cecilia und João on the last piece of trail up to the Picoinho (= "the little peak")
We made it! Happy campers on Pico mountain
João during his spare time - very relaxed

Contact / Kontakt

Caminhando Aҫores

Adventure Pico

João Xavier


Rua João Paulino n. 5

9950-226 Madalena

Pico, Aҫores


Call us / write us at:

Rufen / schreiben Sie einfach an unter:



+351 962 40 84 17



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